About Us
Kennett Area Senior Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We are dedicated to serving Chester County residents age 50 and up. We provide daytime, evening and some weekend programs and services with a focus on keeping our participants active, healthy and involved.
By gathering as a community, we encourage camaraderie, healthy lifestyles and independence.

Our Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
Kennett Area Senior Center helps adults 50 and better live healthy, active, and independent lifestyles.
Vision for the Future
The Board of Directors and staff envision a future in which…
• Adults in our community have access to high-quality, free and low-cost intergenerational lifelong learning services; health, fitness and nutrition programs; activities that enhance brain power; and recreational and social events.
• The Kennett Area Senior Center has vibrant, highly functioning facilities that effectively support a wide range of programs and services.
• The Kennett Area Senior Center has strong and active partnerships with civic, nonprofit, and business organizations throughout the region.
How It All Began
In 1971, visionary Dr. Leonard Kanofsky saw the need for a center where the area’s older residents could gather for companionship, information and activities designed to meet the needs and interests of their generation. With the help of the Kennett Rotary Club the “Rotary Senior Center” was founded.
Under the leadership of “Ginny” Germond, the first Director, and Dr. Kanofsky, the first Board President, the Center met at the Bayard Taylor Memorial Library on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The popularity of the Senior Center was clear. The dramatic growth in membership and increased activities resulted in a move to a larger space in the Kennett Presbyterian Church on South Broad Street where the Center stayed for a number of years.
Continued growth resulted in a need for additional financial support. Once again the Rotary Club stepped up along with the Gundaker Foundation and the Kennett Area United Way. It was during this expansion in 1976, that the Rotary Senior Center became the Kennett Area Senior Center (KASC). KASC had 185 members and Carol Wendel was the director.
As membership and activities continued to grow it became clear that a dedicated and larger space was needed. It was then that the 7200 square foot building, located at 427 S. Walnut Street in Kennett Square, was purchased. By September of 1987, and without a single government grant, the new home was fully paid for.
As KASC’s popularity continued to grow, an expansion was completed in 1994. It honor of former Director Carol Wendel, it was named the Wendel Wing.
As we emerge into a post COVID-19 world, we reflect on the visions of our predecessors who recognized the value and needs of our seniors. To continue our mission of forging community, we celebrate our unwavering commitment to our participants and the greater Kennett community.

Want more information?
We would love to have you be a part of our team! Join our team as a volunteer and find out just how much fun your spare time can be. Your time – Your schedule! Simply fill out the form below.
KASC, fun for all ages.